We are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and support. To ensure that our customers and the Internet community as a whole are protected, we have established the following Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

The AUP outlines the acceptable use of our web hosting services, including any related services or products, and the consequences of violating these policies. By using our services, you agree to comply with this AUP.

  1. Prohibited Activities

You are prohibited from using our services for any of the following activities:

a. Spamming: Sending unsolicited emails, bulk emails, or unsolicited advertising.

b. Fraudulent Activities: Using our services for fraudulent activities such as phishing, scamming, or impersonating another person or entity.

c. Hacking or Malware: Attempting to gain unauthorised access to any system or network or spreading malware, viruses, or other harmful software.

d. Illegal Activities: Using our services for any illegal activities or to promote illegal activities.

e. Intellectual Property Infringement: Using our services to infringe on any intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, or patent.

f. Obscene or Offensive Content: Posting, transmitting, or distributing any obscene or offensive material, including but not limited to pornography, hate speech, or discrimination.

g. Resource Abuse: Using excessive resources, including but not limited to bandwidth, disk space, or CPU.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

You are required to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in connection with your use of our services.

  1. Security

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, password, and all content that you upload or transmit through our services.

  1. Enforcement

We reserve the right to investigate any violation of this AUP and take appropriate action, including but not limited to:

a. Suspension or termination of your account and services.

b. Removal of content.

c. Reporting to law enforcement authorities.

d. Legal action against you.

  1. Disclaimer

We are not responsible for any damages or losses caused by your use of our services, including but not limited to, loss of data, business interruption, or other consequential damages.

  1. Changes to the AUP

We may change this AUP from time to time by posting the revised policy on our website. Your continued use of our services after any changes to this AUP will constitute your acceptance of the revised policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about this AUP or our services, please contact us at